AUX leye ladle &spoon
̿ Ǭ & ũ
丮 ϰ ִ پ
" Ǭ ũ项Դϴ.
̰ ϳ! ̷ ֹ
ũ 2 ܼ ϻӸ ¦ Ǵ Ǭ ִ .
Ϻη ۪謸 ʾƵ ̰ 1 ƿ 屹 Ȱ! ̵ پ ϼ .
ļ پ 18-8 θ.
Ȯ ưưմϴ.

ǰ ũ Ǭ 18.5 5.8cm ũ 28.5 8 7cm
η ƿ (ũ 18 %)
ı ô .

Simple yet subtle splendor Nature
tableware is made of attractive pottery.
The overall impression that the sensitivity of the warm colors
earthenware product's material,
tableware is made of attractive pottery.
The overall impression that the sensitivity of the warm colors
earthenware product's material,

¦ ϻ Ǵ⸸ Ǯ ֽϴ. 丮 ֽϴ.

屹 մϴ. Ǵ . ۍ ʾƵ Ƴ. DZ ̰ 1 !

ҷ ᵵ , η ü ô û. ǰǰ

Simple yet subtle splendor Nature
tableware is made of attractive pottery.
The overall impression that the sensitivity of the warm colors
earthenware product's material,
tableware is made of attractive pottery.
The overall impression that the sensitivity of the warm colors
earthenware product's material,

Ź ϱ " Ǭ"
18.5 5.8cm (55g) κ Ʈ ϱ Ʈ .
ū ǬԴϴ.
ū ŷ ' ũ "
28.5 8cm 7cm ( 100g) 屹̳ ī 뿡 Ǫ Դϴ.

Simple yet subtle splendor Nature
tableware is made of attractive pottery.
The overall impression that the sensitivity of the warm colors
earthenware product's material,
tableware is made of attractive pottery.
The overall impression that the sensitivity of the warm colors
earthenware product's material,

丮 ϰ ִ پ
" ũ项Դϴ.
" ũ项Դϴ.
̰ ϳ! ̷ ֹ
ũ 2 ܼ ϻӸ ¦ Ǵ Ǭ ִ .
Ϻη ۪謸 ʾƵ ̰ 1 ƿ 屹 Ȱ! ̵ پ ϼ .

ſ ϴ.
ϴ ð ũ ̸ OK.
Բ ߰ ̸ ϸ ֽϴ.
Ѽ Ƿ 뵿 ð 丮 ̷±.

շ ְ, Ǯ ִ´ ҵ ϰ ֱ 屹 !
° Ʈκ عǾ ־.
Simple yet subtle splendor Nature
tableware is made of attractive pottery.
The overall impression that the sensitivity of the warm colors
earthenware product's material,
tableware is made of attractive pottery.
The overall impression that the sensitivity of the warm colors
earthenware product's material,

տ " Ȯ " " ġ Ʈ !" ź߽ϴ.
ɼ , ϰ ʴ ! ε ̿ ø Դϴ.
ɼ , ϰ ʴ ! ε ̿ ø Դϴ.
Simple yet subtle splendor Nature
tableware is made of attractive pottery.
The overall impression that the sensitivity of the warm colors
earthenware product's material,
tableware is made of attractive pottery.
The overall impression that the sensitivity of the warm colors
earthenware product's material,

Ź ϱ " ǬԴϴ.
Ȩ Ƽ Ǭ ʹ ũ ʰ ʹ ũ ʰ ̻.
" Ǭ ' ġ ִ Ʈ Դϴ.
˸ ִ .

ϻ 뿡 ȯ ū 丮 뷱 ' Ǭ' Ȱ.
õ η ̺͵ ġ ݴϴ.

""̶ Ʋ ʰ , Ǭ Ͽ
뵵 ִ ͵ ø ƯԴϴ.
Simple yet subtle splendor Nature
tableware is made of attractive pottery.
The overall impression that the sensitivity of the warm colors
earthenware product's material,
tableware is made of attractive pottery.
The overall impression that the sensitivity of the warm colors
earthenware product's material,
ϸ ó | 2021.02 |
Ұ | |
made in japan | |
ԽŰ | ǰ ԽŰ |
ǰ | 7̳ ǰڽ ǰorȯ.ǰѼս ǰҰ |
A/S åڿ ȭȣ | Ͽ콺.070-7548-1688 |
- 01. ȳ
- 1.) ۾ü : CJ / ۱Ⱓ : 1~4( ) ҿǸ, ȳ帳ϴ.
- 2.) ۷ : 5 ̻ Խ ۵Ǹ, 5 ̸ 3,500(, 갣 ⺻ ۷ 3,000~5000 ߰.) ߰ ۷ᰡ û˴ϴ.
- 3.) Ư̻ 1 : к긯>ħ ۱Ⱓ ۻǰ ȳ ϰ ҿ ֽϴ..
- 4.) Ư̻ 2 : ؿ Ŵ ǰ ǰ ۱Ⱓ ٸ ǰ ù û˴ϴ..
- 02. ȯ ǰ ȳ
- 1.) ܼ ȯ ǰ, ȯ
- 1-1) ǰڽ ȯ, ǰ ص帮, ܼɿ ȯ, ǰ, ȯ պ ù 7000 δϼž մϴ.
- !! ̺̳ ǰ ū ǰ ù ۺ ߰ δå ǰ(պ)ۺ ߰ΰ ִ Ź帳ϴ.
- 1-2) ǰ 5 ̸ ۺ(ۺ .) պۺ ΰ˴ϴ.
- 2.) ̷̹ Ͻ ̹ ǰϽø ڵŰ ̷ϴ.
- 3.) ǰ ڰ ְų Ǵ ֹ ǰ Ʋ ǰ ȯ Ģ ϰ ۺ Ͽ콺 δմϴ.
- 4.) ǰ ǰǻ 뺸, ǰ Ȯ Ƿ ݼó ֽϴ
- 5.) ȯ ǰ ǰ 7 ̳ Խ Ǵ (010-6246-3657) ּž մϴ.
- 6.) ǰ ݼ۽ ݵ cjù (1588-5353) ̿Ͽ ǰ Ź帳ϴ.
- (Ÿù ̿ Բ ߰ δϼž մϴ.)
- [ǰ ȯ Ұ ]
- -ǰ ǰ
- - Ǽ Ͽ Ѽյ ǰ
- - Ͽ ǰμ ġ ǰ
- -ǰ Ư ̸ ȯ, ǰ
- -̹ ǰ (, ǰ )
- -ǰ ü ڽ ٿ ǰ ݼ
- 03. ȳ
- Ͽ콺 ȸ̽ø űݾ 2% ˴ϴ.
- ǰ 帮 ߰1% Ͽ űݾ 2% ڵ ˴ϴ.
- ̿
- 2,000 ̸ 10,000 ̻ Ž ݾ Ѿ 밡մϴ.
- Ҹ
- ֹ/ȯҽÿ ǰŷ Բ ҵ˴ϴ. ȸ Żÿ ڵ Ҹ˴ϴ.
- Ϸκ 2 ڵҸ˴ϴ.